. About SCOHA .
  The Scottsdale Council of Homeowners Associations (SCOHA) is an educational, non-profit organization composed of Scottsdale homeowners associations. SCOHA's goal is to provide a place for HOA board members to gather, analyze, exchange, and distribute information important to the community associations in which they live. SCOHA supports its members' communities through education in order to protect their members' investments in their homes and their quality of life. Since its founding in 1974, SCOHA's membership has grown to over 80 associations. 

If you are considering joining SCOHA, we invite you to attend one of our luncheons (virtual Zoom or in-person) to see what we're all about - and we'll even pick up the tab for this first visit. Contact Andrea to reserve a spot.

Click HERE to link to the latest "Legislative Changes and Implementation Manual," "Law Summary," and "Condo & Planned Community Statues in Arizona" documents, courtesy of Carpenter Hazlewood.
  We're B-a-a-a-c-k!!!
   We have a Zoom seminar scheduled for Tuesday, February 20th at noon.

It will be a legal case update presented by own Curtis Ekmark.

Contact Andrea Rizen to receive an invitation.


 If you have problems or issues with this page, contact the site's webmaster by sending an email to webmaster3 (at) scottsdalehoa.com